The duration of the CardioPath programme is three years. During the Course, the PhD student will be assigned to a supervisor from the Home Institution. As part of his/her individual study plan, the PhD student is expected to spend one or more periods of his/her research activity in one or more international Institutions, chosen with preference among the agreed Institutions. The period should be of 12 months.
The scientific activity during the permanence in the Host Institution will be assessed by a certification provided by the co-supervisor(s) of the hosting Institution, specifying the results achieved in terms of acquired competence. The supervisors and co-supervisors will periodically monitor the research activities and the training of student that is developed both at the Home and Host Institution.
At the end of each Academic year, PhD student ought to present a written report on his/her scientific and training activities. On the basis of the evaluation of these activities, the Academic Council has the right to exclude the student from continuing the PhD program with a written motivation. Possible extensions may be requested according to the current regulations of the Institution that will assume the administrative responsibility for the student and with the consent of the supervisor and at least one co-supervisor.
The official language of CardioPath programme is English.
Adherence to the University's Strategic Planning and Coherence with the PNRR objectives
The University will strengthen its action to support and enhance research activities by rewarding merit, commitment and the inclusion of young people in the international academic environment. This strategy is supported through project support, the strengthening of structures and training, such as attractive and innovative PhDs and multidisciplinary and transversal training courses.
The PhD in 'Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Therapeutics' (CardioPaTh) is consistent with the objectives of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) as it represents an investment in advanced education and training, which is one of the key elements of the plan. In particular, the PNRR aims to promote innovation, research and technological development, as well as to strengthen the country's competitiveness through the training of highly qualified figures. The doctorate, being an advanced and specialised training pathway, can contribute to achieving these goals by providing doctoral candidates with the necessary skills to carry out innovative and high-quality research, develop new technologies and create knowledge. Moreover, the PhD is in line with the priorities of the PNRR in some specific areas, such as health, digitisation, skills and training, research, innovation and internationalisation.
The PhD programme in Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Therapeutics (CardioPath) fits coherently into this context insofar as its main mission is to train researchers capable of managing research projects in the academic sphere through the acquisition of numerous skills in the field of biomedical research guaranteed by the synergies between the areas involved in the training pathway. Numerous features of CardioPath contribute to defining its vision and mission consistent with the objectives of the PNRR.
PhD students holding these specific scholarships will follow specific research projects that will have to deal with topics aimed at a significant development of knowledge in the fields of interest of the PNRR.
In addition, the training course must favour the involvement of other research centres and must necessarily include a period of study and research abroad of a maximum of twelve (12) months. Finally, doctoral students holding these additional scholarships will be subject to a programme of verification and reporting of activities as provided for by the MUR.
The PhD programme in 'Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Therapeutics' (CardioPath), therefore, is consistent with the objectives of the PNRR insofar as it:
- concerns topics with a strong scientific-technological vocation in the field of cardiovascular diseases;
- it promotes internationality
- envisages the implementation of the entire PhD programme at the Federico II University, except for periods of study and research abroad
- provides for study and research periods abroad of a maximum of twelve (12) months
- ensures that the doctoral student benefits from qualified and specific operational and scientific facilities for study and research activities
- promotes the exploitation of research results and ensures the protection of intellectual property.
- promotes job placement, as demonstrated by the high percentage of employment of doctoral students from previous cycles.
Award of the Degree
Following the successful completion of the examination, a PhD (doctoral) degree will be awarded. The certificate confirming the award will bear the names of all Academic Consortium members.