Phd Thesis

PhD thesis and admission to the final examination

The PhD thesis is prepared in English, together with an abstract both in English and Italian. The Academic Council, at the end of the course, formulates for each PhD student an evaluation of the thesis, of the activities performed during the Course and of the publications. The thesis along with a report from the PhD student on the activities performed during the PhD course can be evaluated by 2 researchers (“evaluators”) not involved in the PhD programme. The evaluators, not belonging to the final board of examiners, formulate a written evaluation of the thesis, approving the final discussion of the thesis or proposing further integrations or corrections to the thesis possibly delaying (of not more than 6 months) the final discussion.
The Academic Council selects the “evaluators” and sends them the thesis and the report from the PhD student. The evaluation is then sent to the Academic Council, that will transmit it within 30 days to PhD student and to the competent PhD office. At the end of the discussion of the thesis, the board of examiners can approve or reject with collegial written judgment. The board of examiners expresses a thorough evaluation of the PhD student with the following marks: sufficient, good, excellent. The board of examiners can unanimously award the PhD student “cum laudae” in case of scientific excellence of the results achieved. To be admitted, the PhD student should send to the “Ufficio Dottorati” within September the 30th an official legalized request (“carta da bollo”). The PhD student admitted to the final examination has the responsibility of sending to every member of the board of the examiners a copy of the thesis signed by the PhD coordinator, a copy of the judgment of the evaluators, and a copy of the final report from the Academic Council.