
Rights and Obligations of the PhD student

The PhD student is engaged full-time in the CardioPath programme, with the exception of specific situations as indicated in the art. 7 and 11 of the “Decreto Ministeriale 45/2013”. The PhD student is obliged to attend all the teaching and research activities planned, to present reports of his activities either orally or in written, to respect decisions of the Academic Council.

Before the end of each year of the CardioPath course, the Academic Council decides whether the student can be admitted to the next year or alternatively proposes the exclusion of the student.

At the end of the CardioPath programme, the student ought to prepare a written report to the Academic Council on the teaching and research activities with the scientific results achieved (e.g. list of publications).

State employees admitted to the PhD course follow a special regulation according to the art. 2 of the law 13/08/1984, n. 476 and following modifications.

It is forbidden during the PhD course the contemporary attendance to the other university course, with the exception of medical residency schools following art. 18 of the following document.

The PhD course can be suspended in case of maternity leave, apprenticeship or serious illness. A suspension of the PhD course for one of the reasons above for more than 30 days will be associated to a temporary interruption of student’s activities, and accordingly a temporary interruption of the grant payment.


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