Final Examination

The title of “PhD” or “Dott. Ric” is acknowledged after having successfully passed the final examination, at the end of the CardioPath programme. The title is awarded by the Rector of the University of Naples Federico II. The final title confirming the award of the PhD degree will be released on behalf of the University of Naples Federico II. The certificate will include University of Catanzaro and the University of Calabria.

The final examination consists of the evaluation of the scientific results achieved by the PhD student and from the discussion of a thesis. The final examination can be scheduled in 2 public yearly sessions. The exact date, hour and location of the final examination will be published at least 20 days before on this website. The PhD student who cannot attend to the final examination can justify with a written motivation his/her absence.
The board of examiners of the doctoral thesis will be proposed by the Academic Council. It will be composed by: a) Academic Council members with at least one representative of each Academic Consortium Institution; b) the supervisor; c) at least one co-supervisor; d) provisionally, one renowned expert in the field of the PhD thesis.