Selection 2024

Composition of the Selection Committee:

Prof. Esposito Giovanni

Prof. Indolfi Ciro

Prof. Raffaele Izzo

Prof. Raffaele Piccolo

Prof. Curcio Antonio


CardioPaTh PhD Program - Selection Process

Results of the assessment of the qualifications

Selected candidates will be personally contacted and informed about all details of the oral examination process. 


Date and place of the oral test: 15 July 2024 (09:00 a.m.) - Aula Condorelli - Building 2 - ground floor - Via Sergio Pansini, 5 - 80131 Naples.

Go to the venue half an hour before the test with your identity card


Final ranking of the Selection Process 2024

The following is the final ranking of Selection Process 2024. The candidates admitted to the CardioPaTh PhD program are requested to take contact ASAP with the PhD office ( at the University of Naples Federico II (Palazzo degli Uffici, via Giulio Cesare Cortese n. 29 - Napoli) for the administrative requirements and recruitment procedures (please see further details on link).

Final ranking 2024